Sunday, October 26, 2008

How Did this Happen?

My little girl turned six on Friday....SIX!
How on earth did that happen? The years are flying & she is getting so grown up.
I love watching her little personality grow & develop. Does a mother's heart bleed with joy as well as sorrow? It seems to for me. Oh how I love my girl!

Here she is with her favorite birthday gift...maybe she does want to be like me...maybe just a little...sometimes. :)

P.S. I think 3 1/2 months of silence has been a little long, don't you??...I am going to EARNESTLY TRY to be more faithful with posting here....(really Mom I am!!) :)


Rachel Clare said...

Yay! What a FANTASTIC camera! You'll have to post some of the images she takes!! Happy Birthday Z!

Kassi Jane said...

welcome back we have missed you! she is cute happy birthday to her

kristie said...

What a great gift. Jacob is turning 7 on Halloween. I can't believe he is 7.

Marilyn said...


Allyson said...

Oh how we have missed you. Z is so sweet, can't believe she is 6!

♥Alyssa♥ said...

well for zoes 8th and for all the girls 8th i think that i am going to give them one of my porcilen debating whether to give it only to the oldest and have them pass it down each time a girl turns eight or if i should give all of them one...cause amy gave me my first when i was going to write and eight year old poem to go with it.

Lori said...

Welcome back we've missed you! Z is so adorable. Happy Birthday!

linda crandall said...

Hey welcome will be good to hear from you!

They grow up fast...Shane was 6 when we moved!!

Lisa said...

What a great Birthday present! Happy Birthday Z! They really do grow up way to fast.
So great to see you on blogger again! :)