Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One of those moments...

that I'll never forget. You know the ones...where you can feel it searing into your memory even as it is taking place. For FHE last night Robin was talking to the kids about families & how we have not only fathers here on earth, but a Father in Heaven as well. We then talked about the new baby coming and how special he would be and how he is a child of God just as all of us are. He then suggested that we gather around my belly and sing I am a Child of God to our little boy. They all gathered around, each putting a hand on my belly and sang in their sweet little voices to their little brother. I'm getting teary again just thinking about it. I wish I had had my camera to capture their darling little hands on my belly with their noses pressed into my skin, eager to serenade their brother. Definitely a moment I'll never forget.