Monday, May 25, 2009

Welcome to the World....

It is my niece's birthday today. Her very first one. Little Victoria was born early this morning...12:53 to be exact & I got to be there.

No matter how many times I see it (and for me it has been a number of times), I am always blown away by the miracle of birth.

Welcome to the world Victoria...we are so glad you are here.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Everyday life...

I figure I'd better start posting more about our everyday life...we do have one. The routines...mundane and repetative, but I do suppose fleeting. Someday I won't actually have to bathe all of my children...someday I am sure they would be mortified to have me in the bathroom with them. So for now, although bending over to wash them in the tub is getting a bit more challanging with my expanding waistline, and truthfully Zoe is pretty self sufficient...I will try to enjoy this fleeting moment of my every day life. Actually having all 3 of them in the tub is a RARE which happens when I'm just too worn out to do the usual and so I throw them all in, rinse, wash, repeat & drag them out again. But aren't sudsy kids the cutest?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The 3 B's

Geez...I guess it has been awhile. QUITE awhile. Just hanging in...trying to keep my lunch down, trying to stay know pregnancy. You may wonder at the title of my post. Well...they are growing. The 3 B's that is. Belly, boobs and ahem, butt (although we ARE NOT allowed to say that word in our house!!). I swear it looks like I'm growing a baby in my behind. What is the deal? And these bosoms! Come ON! So at least the belly is starting to catch up & I'm beginning to look like a pregnant girl rather than a slightly chubba-lubba one. Although I still feel like a chubba-lubba. I definitely started gaining weight all the way around & showing SO QUICK with this one. Sheesh!

So the BIG news is that Tuesday we discovered our little rugrat is a boy. A BOY!!! Praise be to the heavens. I cannot believe it! When I was pregnant with Z with were hoping for a boy cuz well, you know, I guess for some reason having a boy first was "the thing". But along she came and it was great. So then we thought how fun it would be for her to have a sister close in dice...along came little L. So third time around again we think, yup a brother for little L would be just divine...oh no...along comes little B. So all is wonderful, lovely & we decided that come girl or boy this baby would round out our little family. And I hope and pray and wish and dream for 2 and 2...a brother for little L and nice even lovely number. And it happens!! I practically cheered in the ultrasound room. We are thrilled beyond measure not only for the fact that we are welcome a little boy, but more so for the fact that he looks healthy and well and is growing just perfectly.

Nope, no names yet...we tend to wait until the last minute or even a week after birth to name our children. We like to see them, make sure the name "fits"... it's our thing.

AND by the way, taking a self portrait of your pregnant belly...seriously NOT easy....or comfortable...or all that fun. But I'll try to keep a record as this will be the last time I'll look this way... which fills me with a mixture of emotions. Most of which resemble extreme joy. :)