Sunday, February 22, 2009


Yeah, so that is what has been going Nothing super exciting...ok well maybe ONE super exciting thing, but anyways we'll get to that. Just thought I'd give a run down on what's up with us...try not to hold your breath...SUPER excitement ahead. (roll eyes icon needed here)

1. Little B turned 2. Seriously that was the FASTEST two years of my none. We had a bouncing birthday bash with her best little buddy who also happens to have a name that begins with B. We'll call him Mr. B. Mr. B is the strong silent type which suits our little B just fine. She can boss him around. She likes that. He is a patient soul. Anyways this was the cutest shot of the two of them from their exciting day...all the others were very "deer in the headlights-esque". She is VERY much my daughter, in many ways, going in for the first kiss is hereditary my friends.

2. One of Z's top teeth is loose. Sadly. I know she has already lost the bottom two, but for some reason the top ones make me feel so much more like she is growing up. Soon she will have a mouth full of BIG teeth. :(

3. Registered L for pre-K. CANNOT believe the boy will be going to the BIG school in the fall. Five days a week. Gulp. I'm praying for his teachers.

4. We had a horrible run in with strep/the flu which made it's way slowly & painfully through the entire family. (except little B...lucky girl). I felt very sure I was on my death bed..but still had to be Mom. I think Moms should not be allowed to get sick. Where is the super Mom pill that wards off all germs? I'd buy it.

5. Valentine's was nice, uneventful but good to get out. We went shopping for a bookshelf...unsuccessfully. We have been trying to pick one out FOREVER. We are too picky or cheap or something...not sure what. We thought we were being sneaky to go to dinner at 5, beat the crowds...ummm no. 2 hour waits pretty much everywhere. We had Red Robin. Sad, but decent & there was NO WAIT.

6. My resolutions are going ummm...wellllll not super great...mostly because of #7...

7. I am nauseous, all day every day and exausted. And this will be THE LAST time I allow myself to feel this way again. I'll let you figure that one out. ;)

And now...back to life....

Monday, February 9, 2009

Love Revolution

Lately I have been feeling the need to look outward, outside myself & my little world of ups & downs & selfish endeavors. Today I received this invitation from my sweet friend Crystalyn. I am soooo on board. One act of kindness a day. Not too much to ask & really not too much to accomplish, but oh what a difference it could make. Join us!

love revolution 09